What is the Early Childhood Development Program (ECDP)?

The research shows there is a large gap between parents having initial concerns about their child’s development and when they are able to access services, often missing out on valuable time to receive Early Intervention services. The ECDP is attempting to help close this gap, providing support and helping families to access relevant services for their child.
Why has it been recommended that my child is referred to ECDP? The people who work closely with your child (i.e. childcare/preschool/school staff, community nurse etc.), have identified some areas of your child’s development which require additional support (i.e., communication, social interaction, and play interests). The people working closely with your child have completed a referral with you, and sent it to our service. If you have any questions about the referral, please contact the service provider who completed the referral with you.
What will ECDP do for my child? As some concerns have been raised regarding your child’s development, we will look through your referral form and be in contact with you to discuss this further. We will then conduct a screening assessment to look at areas where your child may need further assistance. We will provide up to 15 sessions (including screening sessions) with you and your child, as well as others who are involved (e.g., day care/ preschool), to help meet these needs. The aim will be to help you and your child to access relevant services, to support successful transition to these services, and to support your child’s development.
Who do I contact if I have any questions?
Riverina - Wagga Wagga:
Cahli Wall
0438261582 cwall@autismspectrum.org.au